Course Details

Deane Juhan
Deane Juhan is the author of Job’s Body: A Handbook for Bodywork and Touched by the Goddess: the Physical, Psychological and Spiritual Powers of Bodywork. He has been a professional bodyworker for 38 years, including 18 years as a member of the Esalen Massage Crew and 24 years as a student of Dr. Milton Trager and an instructor for The Trager Institute. He has taught anatomy and physiology for bodyworkers of all kinds in the US, Canada, Europe and Japan, and is an NCBTMB approved provider. For more information about Deane and his work, visit
The head and neck contain the skeletal, respiratory, circulatory, digestive and neural link between the brain and the rest of the body. Their freedom of movement (and its restrictive patterns) effect a wide range of our organism’s health and dysfunctions.
The muscles of the the jaw include some of the strongest, relative to their size, in the body (muscles of biting and chewing) and some of the some of the most delicate and subtle in their functions (the musculature of articulate speech).
In this three day workshop we’ll learn
• How dysfunctional muscular patterns of the head, neck and jaw create distortions of the cranial bones and adversely restrict the freedom of their movement in the crania-sacral rhythms.
• How the muscles of chewing effect many dental problems?
• How the musculature of the mouth and throat shape the quality of our voice in verbal communications.
• How restrictions in the jaw and neck effect our lymphatic and immune systems.