Finding the Cause of Low Back Pain

Course Details Register Today Instructor When low back pain persists with treatment, we look to expanded assessment and treatment strategies including structural and neurologic patterns arising from joints, viscera and … Read more

The Ethics of Treating The Whole Client

In this class, we will take inventory of our individual availability to be present for our clients emotional and physical needs and will refine our sense of boundaries, personal as well as professional.

Upper Body Sources of Low Back Pain

Non-traumatic, chronic back pain often is often caused by issues upstream to the low back. When clients have chronic low back pain, finding and treating contributing structures from the upper body can be the key to effect full resolution.

Head, Neck and Jaw

These workshops are designed for bodyworkers of all kinds: yoga teachers and students, pilates and movement instructors and students, and any one interested in understanding more about the body.

Can You Fix My TMJ

When trauma (both physical and mental) occurs, our bodies and minds wall off the effects, so we can continue to function. While this has survival value initially, over time it impales our innate sense of wholeness. These effects can include nervous system hyper-vigilance, rigid somatic patterning and conditioned emotional responses.

Through skillful touch and bodywork we can facilitate clients in releasing these effects, in becoming present in their bodies and learning to reunite with their experience of wholeness.

Trager Certification

Trager® certification is a powerful pathway to deeper levels of personal, professional and spiritual integration through deep immersion and proficiency in Trager® Approach.

Treating the Source of Headache Pain

Headaches refer to a broad range of pain experienced in the head and face. They derive from any combination of various structures including nerves, sutures, sinuses, arteries, muscles, and the functional and structural abnormalities. Sources can be both local and remote from the site of pain.

The key to treating headaches is finding the source of pain by asking the right questions during client intake, knowing headache type profiles and having accurate palpatory assessment skills. We can then differentiate among the many sources and types of headache and base our treatments accordingly.

In this workshop you’ll learn to differentiate between facial, sutural, TMJ, neurologic, structural and vestibular causes that result in migraine, tension, sinus, cluster and other headaches; how to assess headache pain and how to treat headaches.